Categories: life

Traveler Stranded On A Paradise Island Amid Coronavirus Lockdown

A traveler has reportedly been stranded on a paradise island in Myanmar for months after the lockdown was imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Natalie Poole from Devon, UK, has arrived at the island of Kyun Pila back in mid-March when international travel was still an option.

©Natalie Poole

As the woman explained, she had intended to spend one month working at a local coral reef as a volunteer before lockdown measures crashed her plans and she got stuck on the island together with a few other volunteers and plenty of wild animals including snakes and scorpions.

©Natalie Poole

According to Natalie, the castaway volunteers have been forced to fend for themselves while receiving little help due to their remote location.


“The hardest thing for me has been not knowing how long we’re going to be here,” Poole said in an interview with BBC.

©Natalie Poole

“It’s kind of up and down, we’re a very small group of people and we’re living in a very confined, close situation.


“In the back of our minds is obviously families back home and stuff, which adds to the tension a little bit. We’re just trying to take things day by day.”

©Natalie Poole

While the group was supposed to get rescued on May 5, a lockdown extension delayed their rescue for an indefinite time.


Fortunately for the stranded travelers, not everything is against them, whereas there is a resort where they have access to Wi-Fi and showers just some 15 minutes away.

©Natalie Poole

With extra time on their hands, the volunteers continue to do environmental work at the coral reef and have also built their own bamboo huts.


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