Categories: Foodlifenews

It’s Snowing Chocolate! Town Covered In Chocolate After Factory Malfunction

A small town has been left with a magical story after a local chocolate factory malfunction that resulted in chocolate ‘snow’.


The yummy incident happened in Olten, Switzerland, where a Lindt chocolate factory experienced a ventilation system malfunction that caused cocoa nibs to fly across the town and coat nearby buildings, streets, and vehicles in chocolate.


©ExpediTom – Shutterstock [left] / Source – Pixabay [right] / ©@olten – Twitter [middle]

The ‘chocolate snow’ reports were confirmed by Lindt & Spruengli, whereas the company officials explained that a minor fault in the cooling system occurred at the roasted cocoa line.

Source – Pixabay – Photo Shared By AlexanderStein

Once the chocolate nibs made it outside the factory on Friday, the powder was spread across the town with the help of strong winds.


Following the incident, the company offered free cleaning to those affected by the snowing chocolate.


According to the reports, the cooling system has since been repaired and the production at the chocolate factory was able to resume on the same day.

©ExpediTom – Shutterstock – Pictured Olten

The company also insisted that the particles spread around the surroundings are harmless to people and the environment.

©@olten – Twitter

Previously, during the Christmas season in 2018, another similar cocoaccident occurred in Switzerland. At that time, a tank filled with DreiMeister chocolate overflowed and gallons of gooey substance were sent gushing down the street where the chocolate hardened due to cold temperatures.


Following the chocolate spill, a group of more than two dozen firefighters spent hours getting rid of the hardened chocolate from the street. To remove the thick mass, the firefighters resorted to the use of shovels, torches, and hot water.


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