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A Thai Tourist Realized She Recorded A Lady Pickpocketing During The Whole Incident

Whenever tourists visit any metropolitan city they are advised to stay away from vague places in order to save themselves from not becoming prey to crime.


Pickpocketing has become very common in most of the big and metropolis cities around the world. Anyone could be a victim of this crime even in daylight.

Two tourists from Thailand experienced this crime when they were on a trip to London. Nina Spencer and her friend Toi were touring the famous city and capital while they were walking through Cambridge Circus they were robbed in no time.


Here is an amazing thing to tell you guys and that is, Nina and Toi were filming themselves.

Source: Viral Press

Toi was carrying a Louis Vuitton handbag that had a designer purse inside. When they crossed the road Toi noticed that her purse was not there. Her purse contained 400 pounds and a few credit cards.


They got deeply agitated and played back the video footage which they had made during the day. They got stunned after seeing what they found in the video.

Source: Viral Press

In the footage, a woman can be seen she was wearing a black jumper and had black sunglasses on her head while she was looking at Nina’s shoulders. In the meanwhile, another woman who was wearing a black leather jacket was looking at her friend’s handbag.

Source: Viral Press

Suddenly a third woman appeared in the video who was wearing sunglasses. She used an amazing trick to hide the hand of the thief with a black shopping bag.

Source: Viral Press

Toi’s purse was quietly taken out by the pickpocket and none of the women noticed her doing this.

Source: Viral Press

Then the woman with an orange jacket came around, she gathered the purse and hid it her jacket.
Then all of them turned their direction and walked away.

Source: Viral Press

According to Nina, they informed this incident to the police but they haven’t returned the money. We only want to make the police alert about happenings in the city.


An average of 600,000 people fall prey to these pickpocketing thefts and in London, their ratio has been increased to 20% from 2010-2012. According to Trip Advisor, the cities which pickpockets target most are Spain, Rome, Prague, Madrid, Paris, France, Athens, Greece, Athens, Netherlands, and Argentina.


Pickpockets usually work in a group and distract the tourist and even cut the bags to accomplish their aim.

They find tourists to be the most eye-catching target. It is good not to wear flashy clothes and not being overprotective with your valuables as this might give them a signal when the tourist check their pockets again and again.


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