Categories: Healthlife

8 Effective Tips To Prevent Breast Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second biggest cause of cancer death in women across the globe.


Experts, however, have suggested a number of ways to prevent this deadly disease.

Here are 8 effective tips that can help prevent breast cancer.

1. Quit alcohol or at least avoid it

Alcohol has a direct link with the development of breast cancer in women. Research suggests women should reduce their alcohol intake to nothing more than one drink a day to be on the safer side.


2. Quit smoking

Research has shown that cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals some of which are carcinogenic. It is good to quit smoking if you want to reduce the chances of getting breast cancer.


3. Breastfeed for as long as you can


A recent study has found that women who breastfeed for at least one year in total have a greatly reduced risk of breast cancer later in life. It also strengthens the bond between the mother and the baby.

4. Avoid going for hormone replacement therapy


It’s now been established that menopausal hormone therapy increases the odds of having breast cancer. If it is necessary to get the treatment to lower the symptoms of menopause, limit the use of these to three years.

It must also be noted that “bioidentical hormones” and hormonal creams and gels are as risky as prescription hormones. So it’s better to avoid all of them to be safe.


5. Keep Your weight below the obesity line

Obesity immensely increases the chances of getting breast cancer, especially in ladies who have crossed the age of menopause.


It is extremely important to keep track of your weight and adjust your dietary habits. Try to maintain a body-mass index below 25.


6. Develop healthy eating habits

As you start to age beyond 30, you need to keep things in check to avoid complications. Increase the intake of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and the ones having high fiber content.

Reduce intake of fats, especially animal fat, and try to eat whole grain rather than refined carbohydrates.


7. Maintain an active lifestyle

Multiple kinds of research establish that having a physically active routine can lower the chances of getting breast cancer by approximately 10 to 30 per cent.

Just a moderate 30 minutes exercise five days a week can keep you active.


8. Have regular breast cancer screening tests

Consult a certified oncologist to decide the nature and frequency of the tests you might be needing.


If you have some specific genes contributing to breast cancer like the BRCA gene or a strong family history of the disease, you might need the tests more often.

Talk to your doctor and they’ll suggest one of the following tests for you:

a) Extra screening tests


In some of the cases, it is good to have MRI, ultrasound scans, and other radiological monitoring measures because they can detect the disease in its early stages.

b) Prophylactic surgery to remove ovaries and/or breasts

For the cases with exceptionally high risk, it is good to have both the breasts removed as it lowers the chances of the disease by 90 per cent.


If the ovaries and uterus are removed, the risk can be reduced to half of that in women having the parts intact.

c) Usage of estrogen-blocking drugs


For ladies aged 60 and above who have a family background of breast cancer, it is advisable to consult their doctor about the positive and negative effects of estrogen-blocking drugs like raloxifene, tamoxifen, and aromatase inhibitors.




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