Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Mystery Riddle Is Playing With People’s Minds! Can You Figure It Out?

What better way to pass your time productively than with a little help from our side.


We all need a little break in life sometimes to unwind and get away from things that give us the most stress. Hence, we thought it would be nice to provide some entertaining brain teasers that are not only fun and engaging but add a little element of humor too.


This tricky riddle is playing with so many people’s minds online. And we thought it would be interesting to see how all of our smart viewers did, at the end of the challenge.

Source: ISS Africa

Statistics prove that only 1 in 7 people actually managed to solve this riddle correctly. But you simply don’t need to worry about things like that. Instead, with the right amount of focus and concentration, you can well be on your way to solving success. Be sure to read in between the lines because the clue lies there.


Do you think you can solve it with ease? We certainly do hope so! Scroll down below and let us know what you think. We’ll be waiting for your answers towards the end. Good luck!

Source: Inc Magazine

The brain-teasing riddle

Termed to be the ultimate mid-day distraction, the makers of the riddle want you to answer a simple question that’s attached to a scenario. Can you tell us what has 4 legs in total during the morning hours, only two legs during the afternoon hours, and only 3 legs in the evening hours?

Source: Wake Up Your Mind

Yes, we promise there is definitely something like this that exists. Just think outside the box and you shall succeed. Don’t forget to double-check your answer towards the end of the challenge. But before that, no peeking, please!


The correct answer

Let’s see how well you did. Scroll down below and let’s see the final reveal!

Source: Your Genome

The right answer is a human! Yes, during the morning, humans as babies crawl on all fours. During the afternoon, we walk on two legs. And then in the evening, which is your old age period, you need extra help in the form of a stick, which is technically your third leg!