Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Challenging Math Riddle Is Blowing People’s Minds! How Fast Can You Do It?

Whether you hate math or love it- the significance that numbers play in our everyday life can never be underestimated.


For your information, the world of math should never be taken so lightly. Did you know, it’s termed to be the queen of all sciences? Yes, it’s because of math that we could send out people to space. Similarly, it’s also because of math that we can do calculations and keep our money in check.

Source: Prezibase

With the right interdisciplinary approach, we promise the world of math isn’t too bad. Dieticians are doing wonders in terms of working out people can stay fit and how many calories they need to consume. Similarly, we’re using math to evaluate students’ performance in competitive exams.

Source: Planet Spark

Alright, we hope you’ve got our point because we don’t want to sound too boring here. Always remember that math is only as easy as you take it to be. If numbers give you fear, then there’s just one way to overcome that. Face anything and everything that comes between you and your success.

Source: Forbes

And the perfect place to begin is a riddle that’s blowing up people’s minds. Designed to make you fall in love with the subject of numbers again, we’re right here by your side in terms of giving you an added push to succeed.


Take a closer look at the tricky math challenge that’s going viral! Good luck!

Today’s mind teasing challenge

Look at the challenge shown below and let us know in the comments section what you think! Happy solving!

Source: Briddles

The right answer

Can you handle the right answer? In case you answered yes, you know what to do! Scroll down below and let us know!

Source: Pin ClipArt

The right answer is 36!

Wow, that certainly was not easy! Those who did it on their first try deserve a pat on their backs! Don’t forget to SHARE the math riddle with others!