Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Challenge Is Driving Puzzlers Insane! How Fast Can You Solve It?

It’s time to play detective and figure out who’s the killer in this mystery theme riddle.


Are you ready to put those logic and critical thinking skills to the test because that’s exactly what you’ll need to succeed? If yes, scroll down below, and let’s see what’s in store!

Here is an image of a crime scene. While the illustration might appear wonderful at first, it houses a number of clues that clearly point out the killer.

Source: Wake Up Your Mind

Can you put those sharp minds and observation skills to the test and find out who amongst the following characters shown is actually a killer. Yes, it’s time to wear your detective caps and see where you stand in a competitive room full of people. Good luck!


Focus hard, you’ve got a time limit to beat. Also, be sure to share your justification as to why you think that person could potentially be a killer.


Here’s the final verdict. We sure do hope your hard work has paid off.


The man with the cast is the killer because he clearly used that cast to cover up his weapon. Secondly, why would someone that’s injured go about shopping randomly with a broken arm?

Now, let’s move on to puzzle number two. We know you can do this!

Source: Bright Side

Again, this test is all about vision and perception. There’s a major error hiding in this picture that features a deck of cards. Can you put those eyes to the test and figure out where the mistake lies. We know you can do it with ease!


Did you find it? Come on, zoom in, it’s easier than you think. We promise the answer is right in front of you, but only if you concentrate hard.


Source: Bright Side

How many located the solution in an instant? If you’re a part of the bunch that did just that, then congratulations. You deserve a big pat on that back.


Be sure to SHARE today’s viral challenges with your friends and loved ones. After all, sharing is the finest form of caring!