Categories: Healthlife

Things To Do In The Morning To Kickstart Your Metabolism

Your overall health has a strong effect on your metabolic rate, the number of calories that your body burns while at rest.


But your age and genetics can also influence your metabolism. 

Nutritionist and certified strength and conditioning specialist in New York City named Mike Clancy says, “The first few hours of your day are arguably the most effective period of time to kickstart your metabolism.”


Here are the things to do first in the morning to kickstart your metabolism:

1. Hydrate yourself

NYC-based registered nurse Rebecca Lee says, “When you drink a glass of cold, or even room-temperature water, your system has to burn calories to heat it up to your body temperature.”


Make sure to drink water after waking up as it slowly gets your body hydrated and energized. Keeping yourself hydrated can reduce fatigue, improve endurance, lower your maximum heart rate, and more.

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2. A cup of green tea


“Green tea contains four types of catechins, which are antioxidant phytochemicals that encourage your body to burn fat as energy,” says Clancy.

“Bring the water to a rolling boil before pouring it over the leaves,

“Then leave it to infuse for five minutes before straining.”


She recommends using loose-leaf green tea and to maximize the effect drink three to four cups a day.

3. Eat breakfast daily

According to experts, skipping breakfast may put you on the fast track to weight gain, heart disease, osteoporosis, irritability or mood swings, menstrual irregularity, low energy levels, low memory and hormonal stress.


Markowitz says, “When you skip breakfast and skimp on calories throughout the day, your body is unsure when to next expect fuel and in turn attempts to minimize energy expenditure, essentially slowing metabolism.”


4. A quick walk


Going for walk for fifteen to twenty minutes is “a great way to wake up your metabolism and get your heart pumping and blood moving for the day,” says Sarah Schlichter, a North Carolina-based registered dietitian.

There are so many benefits of walking like it reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.


5. Take lots of protein

Try to eat rich protein foods like nonfat Greek yogurt with berries, cottage cheese with fresh fruit, or a two-egg omelette with diced veggies instead of a high carbohydrate breakfast.


6. Strength training


Krauss says, “Building muscle is fat-burning and calorie torching,”

You should try barre or Pilates if you don’t like to lift weights or doing a high-intensity class.

“These are amazing, low-intensity, injury-preventing options for building long and lean muscles, strengthening your core, and torching fat.”



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