Categories: Entertainmentlife

A Company Unveiled The Ultimate “Gaming Bed” Where You Can Game, Nap And Snack

If you are in favor of the notion that Japan has always been way ahead of the world in technology, this “gaming bed” will affirm that.


Made by gaming furniture producer Bauhütte, the bed has every single gadget you’ll need for gaming, napping and snacking. It is a real experience in itself.

Obviously, there are other products on the market that are similar to this but the guys at Bauhütte have practically “perfected” the idea. The version they have created is the ultimate one and it will be a “perpetual installation” if you add it to your gaming den.


You gotta have a look at the setup to believe its authenticity.

The thing is glorious indeed. It has a side table, a bottle rack, a lowered gaming desk, blankets, game controllers, headphones, and obviously a bed.


The whole thing is arranged and designed in a way to give the user maximum functionality and comfort.


The description on Bauhütte’s blog says: “I wake up and move from my bed to my desk, why is that so complicated? Gaming beds solve this problem.

“Elevated headboard that adds functional storage to the bedside and Bed desk that can be set at the foot of a single bed. As soon as you get up, you can watch a game or animation and realize a life cycle of falling asleep without difficulty.”


Actually, the bed is not a single product but an amalgamation of a number of items offered by Bauhütte arranged in the order recommended by them.

If you want to buy the whole setup, it will cost you $1,100.


The innovative setup is set to diminish the distance between the bed and the gaming PC, the refrigerator and the console. It might seem impressive but is scary at the same time.


What could that mean for us as a species?

Are we going to become masses of idle meat which has long forgotten the concept of getting out of the house, being social and even using the toilet?

The only thing lacking in this whole arrangement is a bucket that could have been provided to eliminate the excretions of the user. We might see that in the next iteration of the concept, who knows!



