Categories: FoodHealthlife

According to a Report, Supermarket Ham and Bacon May Have Harmful Chemicals Linked to Cancer

Some reports justify that there is a possibility that the ham and bacon sold in the supermarket contain chemicals which has a connection to cancer.


The shelves in the supermarket where the ham and bacon are kept contain nitrites. Nitrites are powerful preservative that kills the botulinum bacteria in the food, which causes food poisoning.


The British Meat Processors Association by the scientific consultancy Campden has done research which reveals that these nitrites do not kill or attack any bug.


There are a lot of brands which use the traditional process to produce bacon, sausages, and ham without the use of chemicals but the other companies which use nitrites in the bacon and ham to maintain the pink color of the food are more appealing to the shoppers.


During a study in 2015 by the World Health Organization, it is noticeable that the meats which have nitrite in it are linked to cancer.


The Vice-chairman of Parliament’s all-party group who is known as Baroness Walmsley claimed that the addition of nitrites raises a serious question about why is it added in our food?


It is a dangerous chemical used in the ham and bacon because it can harm a person’s health. According to the research, people should avoid using or eating food which has these preservative chemicals because they can risk their health and cause multiple reactions.


The chemicals are used to maintain the color of the food, but in reality, this can be a significant problem. While buying anything people are more attracted to its color rather than its quality, and it can cause problems.

The primary target is to kill Botulinum bacteria because they are the cause of diseases, but nitrites do not kill them and it pointless to use such chemicals in the food that is consumed by millions of people daily. It is essential to bring change because supermarkets cannot risk people’s health and diet.


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