Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Find The Missing Number In This Tricky Puzzle?

If anybody out there tells you that counting numbers is an easy affair, don’t believe them.


In case you’re wondering why, well, this next tricky puzzle has internet users stumped beyond belief. While the challenge is definitely not hard, it’s not super easy either. And when you’re surrounded by the pressure of doing it under a time limit too, that’s where the real fun begins!

Source: Pinterest

According to statistics, most individuals feel they have the power to count to the number 60 without any hesitation. But wait, what happens when you’re caught in the midst of a puzzle that asks you to do just that, and you can’t.


Dedicated to our most loyal readers, this missing number challenge is guaranteed to leave a smile on your face at the end. So, what are you waiting for? Put those visual skills to fabulous use and scroll down below for some added excitement and fun. Happy counting!

point 0 |
Source: Teach Early Years

The intriguing puzzle

Number counting is definitely not as simple as your ABC.point 188 | In this image shown below, we’re asking you one simple question! Do you have what it takes to spot out the missing number in less than 20 seconds? If yes, then give it your best shot.point 342 |


Remember, those with higher IQs could do the challenge in under 10 seconds, so definitely time yourself and aim high!point 98 | 1

Source: Wake Up Your Mind

The correct answer

You’ve finally reached the end of the challenge and that means it’s time to reveal the correct solution! Did you manage to spot the missing number or no? Scroll down below and see!

Source: Amazon

The correct answer is 39! Yes, after 38, the illustrators of the puzzle jumped to 40, skipping out 39 from the number sequence!


Wow, it’s the simplest details that can truly determine your result at the end. Be sure to stay tuned for more similarly exciting puzzles and don’t forget to share the fun with friends, colleagues, and loved ones too!