Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Test Your Attentiveness! Can You Spot The Broken Part Of The Bone?

Today’s challenge is calling all attentive puzzlers to come forward and put their hidden talents on display.


A new day should always be termed as a new beginning and if you ask us, we’re more than willing to move ahead with a bang in terms of exciting challenges.

point 130 |
Source: Forbes

We hope you’ve remembered everything and not left anything out because sometimes that’s what really matters in the end.point 356 |


Making mistakes and leaving out hidden clues are just some of the wonderful things that most people end up doing.point 94 | But if you really pay attention, we know you can get by with success.point 150 | Remember, trying your hardest is what really matters at the end of the day.point 212 | 1

Source: AECC

Attentive people come under those specific groups who make no mistake when it comes to remembering everything and not leaving things out. They are those who are inclined to do better at tricky challenges where the power of observation goes on display. So, are you ready to move ahead and get things going in the right direction?

Source: My Mind

Don’t forget to concentrate because those who manage to do just that are the true winners. Moreover, it’s challenges like these that help with your memory in case it fails you at an older age. So while you’re having fun, leave the stress behind and know that what you’re doing is great for your health.


Today’s mind-teasing challenge

Some exercises certainly aren’t too difficult but that’s only if you pick up on the hidden clues. All you need is a little full focus before you end up with a successful answer! Do you think you can solve this puzzle now? Well, try and try until you succeed.

Source: Briddles

If you’re done, scroll down below and let us know how you did!

The correct answer

How long did it take you to complete this challenge? Well, if you were a part of the best, it should take you less than ten seconds but hey, getting the right answer is what matters most. Let’s take a look at the correct solution below!

Source: Qavaa

The right answer is PIECE TWO!

Don’t forget to share the viral fun with loved ones because sharing is the finest form of caring.