Categories: lifenewsnews

Teenager Helped A Wheelchair-Bound Man To Safety After Tornado Sirens Went Off

Watch the teenager helping the wheelchair-bound man to safety


Video Credit: Inside Edition

A teenager has been caught on camera helping a man in a wheelchair after hearing tornado sirens.

As a tornado was approaching, 16-year-old Seth Phillips, who was on his way home with his mother, helped a man in a wheelchair when he heard the sirens go off.


Seth asked his mother to stop the car, came out of his car to help the man and pushed his wheelchair to safety.

Inside Edition

Seth’s mum filmed her son’s act of kindness and shared the video online.


Seth told Inside Edition: “It just really hurt me to see him all by himself and just really sad. He was a double amputee and he needed help.”

“He was just all by himself and alone and everybody was just driving by, cussing at him and honking at him and just yelling ignorant things towards him and that wasn’t right,” Seth added.

Inside Edition

The teenager is being praised for his bravery and his act of kindness.

His mother said: “Believe it or not, this is not the first time Seth has asked me to help someone in need. Usually, it is an elderly person at the grocery store when we are out and about.”

Inside Edition

“I wasn’t totally shocked but the fact that the tornado sirens were going off and it was a little bit chaotic and seeing him struggle on the side of the street. … I was more than happy to pull over to let Seth help him. I actually have a grandfather who is a double amputee and I know the struggle that comes with that.”







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