Categories: life

Teenager Who Was Gored In The Groin Becomes The Second Person Killed By A Bull In A Week At Annual Festival

19-year-old Franz Gonzales has become the second person to be killed by a bull in a week after being gored in the groin at a Spanish festival.


The teenager passed away after the incident during an annual celebration in the east coast town of Chilches. He was immediately taken to a nearby hospital after the injury but lost his life shortly after arriving at the facility.

Organizers of the festival decided to suspend the events planned for that night.


Gonzales, who came from another town of Vall de Uxo, was popular in the area and participated in bull exhibitions where he performed as a recortador.


In Spain, recortadores is the term used for those who use their bodies to avoid the bull while it runs toward them.

The 19-year-old is believed to have been gored moments after the animal, named Juanito, was released from its pen into the area where people watch from behind a fence.


Witnesses said the teen was bleeding heavily and was not responding when he was rushed to a hospital. He was admitted to A&E but only an hour later, news of his death emerged.


A spokesperson for the festival organizers said: “Today a minute’s silence will be held as a public show of our support and condolences for the dead man’s family and friends.”

A week before the incident, 74-year-old Juan Jose Varo was also gored by a bull during a festival in Vejer de la Frontera. He passed away in hospital.


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