Categories: Familylifenews

Teen Mom Who Let Her Baby Starve To Death Tried To Sell Concert Tickets On The Day Her Daughter Was Found Dead

Credit - The Kudi Family

The teenage mother who let her baby starve to death during her party spree reportedly tried selling concert tickets on the day her daughter was found dead.


Yesterday, 19-year-old Verphy Kudi pleaded guilty to manslaughter after it came to light she left her 20-month-old daughter Asiah all alone for six days back in December 2019.

Credit – The Kudi Family

According to the reports, the young mom left her Brighton apartment and her young daughter for nearly a week to go to London and party in the wake of her 18th birthday.


After little Asiah was found dead, an autopsy confirmed that the child died from starvation and dehydration as a result of neglect.

Credit – The Kudi Family

Following the 20-month-old’s tragic passing, it has also come to light that Kudi was trying to sell tickets for a concert over the internet on the same day Asiah’s body was discovered.

Source – Twitter

Speaking to MailOnline, Aisha Batrane, Kudi’s sister, admitted that the incident left the entire family “shattered” and heartbroken.


“We are heartbroken and angry at how Verphy behaved. Verphy had been estranged from the family for quite a long time and we had minimal contact with her,” she said.

Source – Twitter

“We have spoken to her and we’re still not clear what she was doing for those six days, who she was with and why she left like that? Who the hell knows? We can’t understand it.

Credit – The Kudi Family

“As a family we now want to be left alone to grieve and try and understand what’s happened.”


Meanwhile, Verphy’s father and Asiah’s grandfather, Muba Kudi, insisted that his daughter “had been missing since the age of 14” as he said his heart was broken.

©Eddie Mitchell

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