Categories: Culturelife

Teens Auctioned Their Hog To Donate To The Children’s Cancer Charity

During an auction at the Medina County Fair, the generosity of a 14-year-old Ohio boy made everyone emotional.


Austin Lettner auctioned his 230-pound hog Millhouse, he decided to donate money because he doesn’t want any kid to survive with cancer.

Austin said: “One day my parents just asked me, well asked me and (my brother) Logan if we wanted to keep the money for our pigs or donate it, and we said, donate the money,”


“The people that we are donating the money to, they need the money more than we do. No kid should have cancer,” he added.


The auction for Millhouse, the auctioneer told that if anyone wanted to donate an additional dollar a pound to go directly to the charity.

“It was a sea of cards that just came up,” said Jamie Lettner, Austin’s father.

“All the way through here there wasn’t a dry eye from the biggest burliest men to the highest paid-guy in here. Everybody was just tearing up and crying, they were so proud of these boys and themselves. They should be extremely proud of themselves for coming and supporting these children. Not just mine, but all of them,” Lettner said.


“It was just an amazing feeling to me to see everyone throwing up their signs and bidding for it,”  Austin said.


More than $11,000 were raised after the bidding was finished.

“They are not farmers. They run gravel pits, they run shoe stores to have them come out and put that money back into their community, it’s a beautiful thing,” the boy’s father said.


“It’s just so heartwarming and it makes you feel good as a parent that my children chose to donate some of their money, instead of keeping it for themselves. They could have done a lot with that money, but instead, they chose to help kids and families who need it more than they do,” said Stacey Lettner, Austin’s mother.


Michael Gall, the livestock sale president said: “It just shows the quality of people here in Medina County, that individuals would do something like that and the buyers would do so much more on top of it.”