Categories: life

Teachers Relentlessly Bullied An 11-Year-Old Student With Special Needs

Teachers from two schools in Chicago bullied a student with special needs, physically assaulted him and called him names before he finally tried to commit suicide.


11-year-old Jamari Dent attempted to take his own life after suffering for over a year at the hands of both his teachers and classmates, said his mother Teirra Black at a press conference.

Fortunately, medics managed to save his life but his suicide attempt caused permanent brain damage.

Medgar Evers Elementary School

Five months later, Black said her son remains in hospital and continues to breathe with the help of a ventilator.


She shared a picture on her Facebook showing Jamari staring into space while his family members surrounded him.

Black said her child was subjected to bullying by teachers and students at two separate schools: Carter Woodson and Medgar Evers elementary school.


The complaint claims that her son was being called names like ‘retarded,’ ‘dumb,’ and ‘stupid.’

One teacher at Evers Elementary allegedly called Jamari ‘nappy-headed’ and ‘dirty,’ and also asked him if his ‘brillo hair’ made it difficult for him to read.

Carter Woodson Elementary

The same teacher allegedly injured and assaulted the boy last year. That’s when Teirra Black decided to transfer her child to Woodson Elementary but the bullying didn’t stop.


Three teachers at the school physically attacked the young boy and inflicted injuries on many different occasions.

Black said she went to school administrators multiple times asking for help but they failed to stop the abuse.


The 11-year-old boy attempted to take his own life by hanging himself with a sheet. It was his 9-year-old sister who found him in his bedroom.

His mother performed CPR on him for about ten minutes until paramedics arrived.

Michael Oppenheimer, Black’s attorney, said he plans to file an all-encompassing federal civil-rights lawsuit against the schools.


The school district released a statement that read: “The district has no tolerance for adults who harm or fail to protect students. All allegations of bullying and student harm are taken seriously by the district, and we are fully committed to ensuring all students are supported and adults are held accountable.”


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