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People Have Stopped Donating To The Salvation Army After Homeless Woman Revealed The Truth About It

Chances are you might have heard or probably donated a few times to Salvation Army.


Do you know, according to their 2017 financial report, the “Salvation Army” collected around $2 billion from the donations.

But recently the organization found itself in trouble after a woman named Heather Snow, started a twitter rant exposing the miserable condition people especially women are facing who are living there.


Heather Snow started posting tweets of her worst experience of living in one of the facilities of the Salvation Army in Portland. She said that women are being abused, given unhealthy food and put in the rooms where the ceiling is riddled with mold. She says that the only purpose of the organization is to make money as they made around $66 million in 2017. Here are some of her tweets that went viral.

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Lots of people started sharing her tweets and their concerns also.point 170 | A few people who have worked before in those facilities also came up and said that the situation is very bad and just like what Heather Snow said, their sole purpose is to make money.point 319 | 1

Source: Facebook

On the other hand, some people stood up in favor of the Salvation Army. Their point was that one rotten apple doesn’t mean that the whole tree is bad. They say that even if one of the facilities is not providing good conditions, people should not blame the Salvation Army as they are doing great work.

Source: Facebook

Salvation Army also responded to the viral tweets. Here is what the wrote:

Source: Twitter



Let us know what do you think about the Salvation Army and would you keep on donating to them? Don’t forget to ask your friends too.