Categories: Quiz

Only Eagle-Eyed People Can Spot The DOG In This Image, But Can YOU?

There is a dog in this photo, can you spot it?


This latest optical illusion will leave you squinting your eyes in confusion!

The visual puzzle, which was shared on Twitter by Mud Paw Co, has left the internet baffled!

The image features a quiet outdoor park, and a dog is hiding in it.


However, even highly perceptive players are left confused as the dog is hard to see at first glance!


But once you see it, we are certain that you cannot un-see it!

This optical illusion is currently sweeping all over the web and continues to stump the internet!

“I still can’t see any dog, any clues?!” a confused player commented.


“I found it but I will not give a hint so you can enjoy lol,” another player said.

“There’s no dog at all! They are tricking us!” another one has claimed.


Despite the last person’s comments, we assure you that there is a DOG in the image, you just have to find it!


The aim is very simple, people just have to figure out where the dog is.

Try this tricky brainteaser yourself and see if you can find the sneaky dog!

Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go!

Twitter / Courtesy of Mud Paw Co












Do you see the dog? Try to look carefully and focus your mind.

Here’s the optical illusion once again for your convenience.

Twitter / Courtesy of Mud Paw Co

You must focus!












Did you spot the dog? If you do, great! Your attention to detail is really good! Not all puzzle players can spot it without scrolling down and peeking at the answer first!

For those players who did not find the dog, just scroll down and we will show you its hiding place!












The Answer

There’s the sneaky dog! And it’s a cute pug!

Twitter / Courtesy of Mud Paw Co

That is tricky, isn’t it?


If you enjoyed the brainteaser featured in this article, please SHARE this with your friends and family to challenge them too!

Stay tuned for more challenging yet fun-filled brainteasers!