Categories: Quiz

There Is ONE ODD KEY In This Photo, Can You Spot It?

There is a single ODD key in this brainteaser, can you spot it?


The visual puzzle, which was illustrated and posted on Mambee, features a bunch of beautifully illustrated keys!

Courtesy of Pexels

This Mambee brainteaser is currently making its rounds online and had the internet stumped.


Puzzle players are left squinting their eyes in confusion!

The challenge is very simple, players have to find the odd one out.

Try this tricky brainteaser yourself and see if you can find the single odd key!

At first glance, all the keys look the same: same color, same shape, same size. BUT they are not all alike.


Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go!

Courtesy of Mambee











Which key is not like the rest? Did you figure it out on your first attempt?


If no, try to look at the brainteaser image once again and focus your attention!

Here’s the photo one more time for your convenience.

Courtesy of Mambee

You must focus your attention!











If you still cannot figure find the odd key, here’s a little hint for you: try to look at the left-hand side of the visual puzzle. Look very closely at each key and you will surely see what you’re missing.









Did you find the odd one out? If you do, wow! Your attention to detail is amazing! Not all puzzle players can solve the tricky brainteaser without scrolling down and peeking at the answer first!


Now, it’s time to double check your answer, just scroll down and we will reveal the odd key!










The Answer

There’s the odd key! That was tricky, isn’t it?

Courtesy of Mambee

If you enjoyed the brainteaser featured in this article, please SHARE this with your friends and family to challenge them too!


Stay tuned for more challenging yet fun-filled brainteasers!