Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Can You Spot All 8 Mistakes In This Picture? Most People Can’t Figure Out What’s Wrong!

©Bright Side

A picture of a woman serving food in her kitchen has gone viral after people were told to spot as many mistakes as possible.


There is something terribly odd going on in the pic below. Take a close look and tell us what you noticed!

©Bright Side

As it happens, there are at least EIGHT mistakes in the picture and only the most eagle-eyed people will be able to spot them all.


Give the puzzle another try before checking out the solution below. This time, focus on the details and look for things that don’t belong where they are and things that don’t look like they should.

Ready or not, here comes the list of mistakes that you were tasked to spot.

Source – Pixabay

Take note of the utensils on the table. One set contains a screwdriver while there are pliers in the other. Two mistakes right there. While we’re at the table, you might also realize that one of the plates appears to have melted and is about to slip off the edge.


Under the table, one can see a cute dog and a strange animal wearing a hat. Now that’s odd. If you pay attention, you might also notice that one of the chairs is missing a leg!

Source – Pixabay

Meanwhile, the lady is carrying a nicely baked turkey with – wait what? Is that whipped cream on top of a perfectly roasted turkey? Abomination.


If you look at the counter, you might spot even more mistakes.

Source – Pixabay

For one, there lies a clothes iron with steam puffing right out of it. Next to it, there is also a suspicious-looking toaster with a piece of bread and a slipper sticking out of it!

©Bright Side

Oh well, here are the 8 mistakes that we found. Did you notice anything else that is out of the ordinary?

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