Categories: FunQuiz

90% Of People Couldn’t Spot The Mistake In This Picture! But Can You Find Out What’s Wrong?

There are few better ways to train your eyes and brain while having a good time than by solving mind-boggling puzzles and riddles.


If you agree, you’ll simply love what we have in store for you. It’s time to upgrade your observation skills by taking a close look at the image below and trying to spot a big error!


In the picture above, you can see a couple in the kitchen of their home. While the man is sitting down and reading a newspaper, his partner is cleaning the floor and smiling at him.


While nothing appears wrong at the first glance, there is also a big mistake somewhere in the picture. Once you see it, you’ll know what we’re talking about!

Take a closer look at the picture and solve the mystery now.

Source – Pexels

Have you found the error yet? If not, we are here to help you figure out the correct answer on your own.


There is nothing wrong with the couple or what they’re doing. Instead, something is off about one of their appliances. Perhaps it’s not serving the purpose it’s intended for?

Once you’ve realized what we’re talking about, make sure to verify your answer below.



As you can see, the couple is keeping brooms in their fridge! Either those are some very special brooms or they’ve got it all wrong.


Was this puzzle too easy for you? How about the one below? Let’s get started.


This time, you’re looking at a picture showing a beautiful countryside home. Once again, however, there is a major error somewhere in there. Can you spot it in one minute?


If you’re still wondering what’s wrong, let us give you a few hints.

One, there’s nothing wrong with the big house. Two, the error can be spotted on one of the trees surrounding the home.

Now’s your final chance to crack the puzzle because the solution is coming right up!



Did you pass both visual tests? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more similar puzzles and riddles, follow us on Facebook!