Categories: FunlifeQuiz

95% Of People Can’t Spot The Old Man’s Missing Lamp – But Can You Find It?

Picture puzzles featuring hidden objects and errors are a great way for you to boost your cognitive abilities while having fun.


It’s time to put your eyes to the test and help you become a better version of yourself by improving your vision with the help of a fun challenge. Though it may take a while for you to crack the mystery below, we can assure you that the results are worth the time!


Let’s get started.


In the picture above, you can see an old man with a long beard walking around an old town at night. He is wearing a cane but is struggling to get around without his lamp.


Help the man find his missing lamp! It’s hiding somewhere in the picture and you should be able to see it if only you focus and pay attention to details.

Take another look before checking out the answer below!

Source – Pixabay

Still haven’t found that lamp? What if we told you that the lamp looks as if it was part of one of the buildings?


Inspect those bright windows carefully, and you might just see a lamp hiding in plain sight!

Once you’re done, verify your answer below.


As you can see, the man’s missing lamp was right in the middle of the upper part of the picture this entire time. How long did it take you to spot it?


If you could use some more practice, make sure you also take a look at the image below. This time, you’ll be looking for a horse!


In the scene above, you can see a man and his camel at a campsite somewhere in the middle of the desert. In the background, you can see a bunch of tents and palm trees, and it looks like people are camping at an oasis.


Somewhere in the graphic, there is also a horse. Find it before it runs away!

Here’s the answer once your eyes get tired of searching:


How long did it take you to complete these visual tests? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and riddles, follow us on Facebook!