Categories: Animals/PetsFunQuiz

How Many Animals Can You Spot In This Picture? 9 In 10 People Can’t Find The Last Hidden Animal

If you love animals and puzzles that challenge your mind then you’ve come to the right place.


We have a very special challenge in store for you that will put your eyes and brain to the ultimate test. Your job is to check out the picture below and count all of the animals that you can see!

©Midwest National Parks

If your task sounds simple, think again! Though some animals, such as the elk and the bison, are pretty easy to spot, others are well hidden in the picture.


Take another close look at the photo, which was originally shared by Midwest National Parks, before letting us know how many animals you managed to find and how much time it took you to do so.

©Midwest National Parks

Do you see 8 animals? Or perhaps 10? If that’s the case, you better take another look at the picture! As it happens, there are 12 animals hidden somewhere in the pic!


If you’re tired of searching for them, check out the picture below for the solution.

Let us know if you managed to spot all of the animals on your own and how long that took you. Perhaps you also took notice of some additional animals that aren’t mentioned here?

©Midwest National Parks

If you liked this challenge, here’s another puzzle for you to solve. Look closely at the picture below and tell us who the alien is!

Credit – Bright Side

Though the wedding photo looks like nothing out of the ordinary at first glance, one of the people is actually an alien in disguise.


Take another look and see if you can solve the mystery before scrolling down to view the solution!

Credit – Bright Side

What are your thoughts on these puzzles? Did you manage to solve them both? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!