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Mother Shared A Heartbreaking Video Of Her Special Needs Daughter After She Was Bullied At School

A mother, from Hamilton on New Zealand’s North Island, has shared a heartbreaking video of her 12-year-old non-verbal special needs daughter.


Kerri Arnold shared a video of her daughter Aalyha in tears after she was bullied at her school.

Aalyha was scratched and bitten by a bully and was left with marks on her face, arm and the back of the neck.


Ms. Arnold told in the video while showing her daughter’s wounds that the school called her to tell her that her daughter had been a victim of bullying.


Ms. Arnold said: “This young boy has scratched her eye, bit the side of her face, scratched her arm and she’s got scratches on her back.”

The mother said it pains her to see her little girl so upset.


Aalyha has a rare condition called Angelman syndrome and she struggles with problems with speech and their motor system.


Ms. Arnold said: “This is a rear syndrome that affects all areas of her life and ability to defend herself at all.”

Ms. Arnold informed that the bully has been removed from class and said she is happy the school took quick action against the bully who left her daughter with wounds.


However, this is not the first time Aalyha has been bullied. Two years ago, she was pushed into a glass window that broke her front tooth and fractured her nose.


The mother told DailyMail: “My angel was given to me how she is for a reason…. and it would potentially change the human being Aalyha is and I love her unconditionally just the way she is.”

The video has now gone viral on the Internet and has been viewed more than 400,000 times.


Video Credit: DailyMail


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