Categories: Entertainmentlife

Sony Revealed The ‘X’ Button On Their PlayStation Is Called The ‘Cross’

Gamers have a world of their own; only a gamer can understand another gamer.


To all the other people, gamers are just a stubborn clan that they are unable to understand.

Surprisingly, gamers do not agree on many things even among themselves. Well, except for one – the names of the buttons on a PlayStation controller.


All over the world, the buttons are simply called the circle, triangle, square and X.

It can be reasonably assumed that the X button is referred to as “Ex” and nothing else. But Sony begs to differ here, making things a little confusing and debatable.


Looks like Sony is looking for some easy publicity, or they are just bored and have decided to start this great argument on Twitter.


But it is also possible that Sony is actually concerned about all the people misnaming their X button and they just intervened to clear things.


According to a statement by PlayStation UK, the button has been named wrong ever since the beginning and it has always been known as “Cross.”

The whole thing started when one Twitter user started a debate on Twitter, just for the sake of it.


People worldwide rallied together, saying that the button was never called Cross, but there were some who disagreed.

The debate was on the verge of collapsing when PlayStation stepped in to light the fire once again. According to them, almost all the users were using the incorrect name for the button.


PlayStation stepped in the conflict, saying: “If Cross is called X (it’s not), then what are you calling Circle?”


Normally, no one disappears after making such a comment but Sony, being Sony, just stepped out after starting the Twitter war.


It’s certain that it doesn’t matter for gamers what the company likes to call the button, they would always use the name they like.

However, Twitter was flooded with arguments and justifications from people.

If all the arguments can’t make someone understand what the button should be called, we can resort to democracy – 81% of the 135,000 responses PlayStation received on their tweet preferred to call the button “Ex.”


No matter what the big minds at Sony think or what are they up to, the controversial button has always remained and will always remain an X to the clan of gamers.



