Categories: FamilyFunlife

4-Year-Old Twins Urged Mum To Call Ambulance After Mistaking Her Period For A Serious Injury

A mum has spoken out and claimed she had lost “all dignity she had left” when her sons threatened her to call the ambulance after mistaking her period for a serious injury.


As the American mother shared on a Facebook page called Momstrosity, her 4-year-old twin sons confronted her when her period unexpectedly came out when they visited a Target store.


According to the mum, who admitted losing “any shred of dignity she had left,” the trip to the store started off on the wrong foot when her period unexpectedly came out.


After attempting to fix her issue by going to the toilet for the disabled, she ended up in a small single cubicle, together with her two curious sons, because the other toilet was closed.

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While she tried her best to keep her ‘injury’ private, one of the boys quickly noticed blood and allegedly said “BLEED IS COMING OUT OF YOUR BOOTY” and “MAMA YOU HAVE BLEED ON YOU.”


Not only did the twin boys confront their mother about her early bleeding and concluded that emergency services should be called to save her life but they also told one stranger in the toilet that their mummy is “bleeding really bad outta her booty.”


“In this moment, I want to die. I scoot them out of the stall to find a precious, older woman at the sink, tears of laughter streaming down her face,” the mother added.


“As you may have guessed, I did not make it home with laundry detergent and baby socks today. And also not my dignity.”

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