Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Do You Have What It Takes To Solve This Viral Riddle About A ‘Charging’ Bull

Credit - Riddlester

A riddle about an angry-looking bull has been leaving internet users baffled.


Are you an expert at solving viral puzzles? Or do you simply want to test your riddle-solving skills while having a good time? Either way, you’ve come to the right place!

Credit – Riddlester

As seen in the picture above, your job is to solve the riddle that reads as follows: “What is the best thing to do if a bull charges you??”


Do you have any ideas yet? You’re probably thinking about running away as fast as you can, but we’re sorry to tell you there’s no escaping this bull. However, you can avoid all problems by doing something else – something that should be far more obvious!


Think hard and scroll down for an answer after you’re ready to give up!

Source – Pexels

The answer to this riddle is ‘PAY the bull’. Why? Well, if the bull CHARGED you, it probably did so for a good reason – perhaps it charged you for teaching you how to look mad. To avoid any problems, simply pay the bull to settle the bill!


How did you like this riddle? Did you manage to solve it without our help and without looking at the comments?

If yes, we dare you to try and solve the riddles below as well. If not, here’s another chance to prove yourself and your riddle-solving skills!


RIDDLE: What kind of running means walking?

Source – Pexels

ANSWER: Running out of fuel.

RIDDLE: What type of cheese is made backwards?

Source – Pexels


RIDDLE: You can you serve me but never eat me. What am I?

Source – Pixabay

ANSWER: A tennis ball.


What are your thoughts on these riddles? How many did you manage to solve? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!