Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Solve This Simple Riddle?

While some riddles tend to be easier to decipher, there are definitely others that require their fair share of time.


If everything was easy, life would definitely not be too fun. Simiarly, we wouldn’t be able to make the best of our brain cells too. All in all, the situation is about how you can use your brains in the most effective manner possible. And in case you’re wondering why, well, to help make sure you keep those mental and visual skills in check.

Source: 99 Designs

Surprisingly, the hardest riddles are definitely the ones that tend to go viral the most. Be it Facebook, Reddit, or Twitter- one thing is for sure. Picture puzzles tend to gain the most popularity for whatever reasons.


Keeping in mind that very trend, we’re back with another one of our banging challenges. Do you think you can put your mind to the test and figure it out? We sure do hope so!

Source: Quick Reviewer

Visual challenges are mostly based upon the concept of perception. What you see isn’t always what you get. And if you’re mindful of that, we know that you’ll do great in our riddle today.

point 0 |
Source: Entrepreneur

Today’s intriguing mind-teaser

Yes, it’s all about thinking outside the box and going above and beyond the norms of our thinking.point 240 |


Life can be a little tricky sometimes.point 32 | And if you put your mind to it with ease, there’s no stopping you from reaching your goals.point 112 | Well, we hope we’ve given you the kickstart you need to move ahead in today’s challenge.point 197 | 1

Source: GPuzzles

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s take a look at what’s in store for you today!


Are you ready for the final verdict?

Well, that wasn’t so bad, or at least we hope! Are you ready to see the final answer? If yes, scroll down below and try your luck!

Source: Venture Best

The right answer is 311!


How close did you come to our answer? Let us know in the comments section and don’t forget to SHARE the fun with others.