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Sleeping With A Fan On During The Night Could Make You Sick, According To Experts



As the heat is increasing, we need the fan more, when you try and sleep well at night, under the breezy air of fan, you feel relax and comfortable but beware because it can actually be very bad for you.

According to the sleep adviser, when the fan moves around the corner of the room, this causes dust and pollen flames which basically make your way into your sinus-up yawn nose.

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If you have a problem with asthma, hay fever, or general allergies, it might be more dangerous for you. Your fan collects the dust so, they can fly your way every time you turn it on.


“Take a close look at your fan,” The Sleep Advisor suggests. “If it’s been collecting dust on the blades, those particles are flying through the air every time you turn it on.”

Another disadvantage of having cool air is it harms your skin and the result gives you a dry skin problem. When we have cool air for a long time it damages our skin’s natural moisture.

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Another problem, cause you sinus irritation because the constant stream of air can dry out your sinuses. It can try to produce additional mucus in your body and can harm your body.


The main problem we see due to excessive use of a fan is muscle pain, And you may face stiff body feel or joint pain. This problem is especially common for those who sleep with it near their face and neck.

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Clearly due to the sleeping with the fan, not only does it control the temperature, preventing the sticking bed from your body and preventing you from waking up every few minutes, it can also work as white noise and can spread the air better.


Just try to avoid extreme use of a fan or air conditioner, it can save you from many harmful diseases.