Categories: Family

Single Mom Adopts Six Abandoned Sisters

Lacey Dunkin always knew in her heart that, regardless of whether she was married, she wanted to be a mother.


In order to get closer to realizing this dream, she applied to be certified for adoption. Soon enough, she gets a phone call that would change her life forever.

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via Facebook / sixlittlebeans

The caller asked Lacey if she would be willing to foster not one, not two, but four sisters at once.point 341 |


Normally, this would require some contemplation and compromise, but Lacey jumped at the opportunity.point 87 | She accepted without hesitation, and the girls moved in with her and her parents right away! It didn’t even occur to her to break them apart — it had to be all or nothing.point 237 |


Lacey knew it was very important for siblings to stay together, especially if they are separated from their parents.point 98 | 1

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After 9 months with the four girls, unfortunately, the birth mother regained custody of all of them. By this time, the birth mother had given birth to one more sibling, so now there were 5 sisters.


Now, this is where things get crazier! A month later, Lacey gets a phone call — from the birth mother herself.

via Facebook / sixlittlebeans

The biological mother had made the decision that she wasn’t the best provider for her girls. She wanted what was best for the girls, which meant giving them to Lacey…but there was a catch.


Lacey was asked to adopt all of the sisters, including the newborn AND the baby that the birth mother was currently pregnant with! It would total SIX sisters.

This is definitely not an adoption story you hear every day. But Lacey and the girls couldn’t be happier that they would all be growing up together.


“They bring me so much joy and chaos, but life would be so empty and bland and boring without them!”

— Lacey Dunkin, mother of 6

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Kendyl Day Photography

The 6 girls are beautiful and Lacey says they melt her heart. But what she wrote about the above picture will resonate with any parent out there. Take a read:


So I was nominated in the Motherhood Dare to post one picture that makes me proud or happy to be a mom. I chose this picture. 

I chose this picture not because it’s a beautiful picture, although it is, but because of the memory of taking this picture. The memory of the chaos and stress that preceded this beautiful happy picture of me and my girls. 


What you don’t see is the yelling, pleading, bargaining that went on prior to this picture. The tears and whining and pouting and me flipping out saying, “all I want is one nice picture of us all, is that too much to ask???” You don’t see me asking my mom to race down to the park, me texting my sweet photographer that it’s been the “morning from hell”, or me rudely honking at a woman who was taking her sweet time to close her door so we could park. (Not my best moment).


This picture reminds me that even during the hard times, life is beautiful. That pressure produces diamonds, and that things don’t have to be “perfect” to be great.

If you feel her, if you think all children deserve love and happiness, please share this post to show support!


[H/T: Country Living]

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