Categories: Family

Single Dad Who Was Left Alone To Care For 1-Month-Old Baby Shared His Story On Facebook

Richard Johnson has a daughter, Persephone, who came to the world in January 2015.


He was 21 years old, and her mother left him within a month after the baby was born.

Johnson’s girlfriend brought Persephone to California when she ran away, but quickly changed her mind. She told Johnson that she would put Persephone up for adoption if he doesn’t come immediately to get the baby.


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Johnson booked the plane right away and took his daughter home with him.

But he soon realized that he does not know anything about raising a baby. After the mother left him and Persephone, Johnson did not know what to do with the baby.

Facebook / Life of Dad

He was not prepared at all to be a single father. No one was helping him.


Then, one day, he found a Facebook group called “Life of Dad.” The group shares the life of young single fathers and helps them to be a better father.

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Johnson is now confident to be a successful single father.

He recently shared his life as a single dad and many people read and shared his story and supported his and Persephone’s life together.


Here is the story of Richard and Persephone Johnson.

Facebook / Life of Dad

“Life of Dad,

My name is Richard Johnson, and I’m a single father to a beautiful little girl named Persephone. Her mother left about a month after she was born. We still don’t know exactly why, but we suspect postpartum depression played a part. In the first few weeks of it being just her and me, I stumbled upon your page by accident. I was so nervous and scared about being a father in general, but now I was a single father and had to fulfill two roles. I wasn’t sure I could do it.

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Facebook / Life of Dad

“I had read every ‘new parent’ book I could find and clocked in over 1,000 hours in YouTube videos from everything to braiding hair and painting nails to theories on how to deal with common parental issues.point 398 |


I then started to watch your page more closely and saw that there were other fathers out there who were in similar predicaments as me.point 110 | point 113 | 1

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The page started to turn into a major confidence booster and really helped me through all of this.

We’re both very happy now and continue to grow together every day. She’s now 10 months, and I now get asked by my friends for parenting advice constantly. We’ve come a long way, my daughter and me, and we definitely owe part of that to this page and the people within it. So from both of us, we wanted to thank you.


Persephone & Richard Johnson”

Facebook / Life of Dad

Johnson finally figured out the way to be a single dad with the help of the Facebook group “Life of Dad” and now he is one of the people who help other single fathers.


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