Categories: Healthlife

Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

An average person has 4 wisdom teeth.


But, the situation is different with everyone. However, for some people have more, less or none at all. If you still have them, you might consider taking them out or you might want to just follow your doctor’s advice. This information will help you to decide what you should or should not do. Also, discuss with your dentist before coming to the final decision.

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Most people get their wisdom teeth in their late teens or early twenties. They are the third and final set of molars. Sometimes these teeth are very useful and it can be a valuable asset to the mouth if they are healthy and properly aligned.


When Should They be Removed?

Dentists say that the best time of wisdom teeth removal is before the individual turns 20 because they are much easier to extract at that age. At this age, the roots and bones of the teeth are softer and they’re not fully formed yet. A young person can bear the pain and extraction at a much faster rate.

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When Does a Problem Strike?

Sometimes the jaw creates a problem because it is not big enough to accommodate extra teeth. Due to this, the wisdom teeth may become impacted, as a result, they can get stuck in the jaw and fail to break through the gums.


What Other Issues May Happen?

Even if the wisdom teeth have successfully broken through the gums, it does not mean that you are safe. Cleaning the wisdom teeth is extremely challenging due to where they are situated, it can be easy for cavities to strike.


What are the Risks of Removing Them?

There are risks in the wisdom teeth removal just like any other medical procedures. But always remember that there are also risks with not removing the wisdom teeth, in particular, those that are causing some problems.


Before making a decision, think about the pros and cons and most importantly, consult with a dentist.



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