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Shopper Went On Discriminative Rant Against Employee And Lashed Out At Those Who Helped Her




Christmas shoppers at a Dallas, Texas Macy’s witnessed some early fireworks after a shopper got triggered by two employees who were speaking Arabic to each other and went on a racist rant demanding that people “speak English” in America and even shouted, “go back where you come from.”


A Twitter user named Ricky filmed the whole scene and shared it, saying: “I really walked into a Twitter video irl today. This man made two women cry after publicly humiliating them. Please help me find this awful guy’s information.”


The first time the man shouted at the Macy’s employee, another customer intervened.

“Leave the store. She already told you,” said a woman who was wearing a striped sweater. “There’s not a gift box for that. Leave! … You’re disrespecting her.”


The two go back and forth about calling security until the man turns to the manager and says, “get this woman out of my face … she’s interfering with my purchase.”


Once the man turns back to ranting at the employees, yet another customer says, “Is this some kind of TV show going on right now? Because I can’t believe you’re going to sit here and talk to somebody because you don’t understand them,’ said a black man who was watching the ordeal escalate. ‘They were talking to each other, right? Were they talking to you?”


The man is forced to concede that he didn’t know what the women were saying but retorts, “A bunch of Democrats … I’m in America, I want people to speak English to me. All I asked was for her to speak English.

“And get these customers away from me. All the Arabs, all you Arabs and Democrats. Go back to where you came from… how many Arabs came out of the woodwork?”


Ricky also ends up confronting the man and ended up calling the racist a “snowflake.”

At that point, the man yells “F**k you!” before storming away.


Ricky added: “A few more details. There was 10-12 diverse lovely people backing the woman up and showing kindness to the employees. When I confronted the guy for making the women cry, he shouted homophobic slurs, said to get out of his face bc he paid $300 and left.”


It all started because the man wasn’t able to get his purchase gift-wrapped at the department where he bought the item.

“He demanded they give him a box for free with his purchase, but the lady informed him it doesn’t come with one and that she could send him upstairs to have it wrapped, but he refused,” Ricky told Yahoo Lifestyle. “No one really paid attention to him until he brought up ethnicity.”


“Overall, it wasn’t a pretty situation, but it truly made my day seeing a crowd of people, who are not shown in the video, stand up for what’s right.”


A Macy’s spokesperson responded to the incident by saying: “We believe our Macy’s employees and customers should be treated with dignity, respect, and kindness. We aim to create a welcoming environment, and we apologize for what occurred in our store. We are investigating this incident.”