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Careless Cyclist Was Only Inches Away From Inevitable Death

The perpetual rivalry between motorists and cyclists doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon.


The conflict has roots as deep as cats versus dogs and West Ham versus Millwall.

While one group wants to attain the overall supremacy of the roads, the other is struggling just to get its fair share. You definitely know who’s who!

The fact is, we can never actually justify the conflict between the cyclists and motorists as there are plenty of arguments for and against the both of them.


However, the party affected more in these conflicts is definitely the cyclists and the incidents often result in serious injuries or deaths.

Although the motorists need to be more careful about the cyclists present on the road, it must also be noted that most of the time the cyclists are actually the ones causing the accident.


Recently, a similar incident got recorded in a footage when a careless cyclist was just inches away from being hit by a motorist.


The incident happened on August 2, in Nuneaton, northern Warwickshire.

According to the driver who recorded the video on his dash-cam, he was ‘Driving home from work when this idiot came flying out in front of me’.


The anonymous driver was right at being peeved as the negligent cyclist crossed a red light and appeared in front of the car.


The driver was on the green light and had the right of way as can be seen in the footage.

According to a 2016 report by Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), 18,477 cyclists were injured that year in the UK including 3,499 who lost their lives or were severely harmed.


According to the report, most of the people involved in these accidents were adults while children were involved in just 10 percent of the cycling accidents.

However, the most astonishing fact revealed by the report is that the older the children get, the higher their chances of being involved in a cycling accident get. According to the report, 10 to 15-year-olds are at the greatest risk.


Considering the gender-based distribution of the accidents, females were less likely to be a victim of a cycling accident as the report revealed that 81 percent of the people involved in the reported accidents were males.