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County Sheriff’s Office Volunteer Saved A Dog Tied Behind A Truck

Humans are stupid animals.


We tend to remember the silliest things and several times forget the most important ones. We are always caught up in things that are not important and this costs us some major loss.

This man would have taken his beloved dog’s life because of his distracted mind if the attentive volunteer had noticed what was happening.


A man was driving his truck and his dog was traveling with him. The truck driver pulled up on a gas station to refill his tank when he took his dog to. He leashed his dog to the back of the truck while he was filling up. He filled up the gas and quickly sat back into the truck forgetting his dog is tied behind. He sat in the truck and started moving.


A volunteer for County Sheriff’s Office was around the place in his car when he saw what was about to happen. He panicked but acted immediately.



He was scared that the dog would die if did not make a quick action. The Volunteer rushed and turned on the siren and the lights before anything could go wrong. He was scared as the truck was about to enter the highway. He rushed and asked the driver to pull up the truck as he pulled up his car in front of the truck.


The driver got down and realized how he was just about to kill his beloved dog. He appreciated the volunteer’s efforts to save the dog.


The incident was recorded on the dash cameras placed inside the volunteer’s car. The dog was being dragged by the truck and it would have died if the volunteer had taken a quick action.

The driver said that he was just distracted and completely forgot about his dog.


The video was shared on Facebook where many users appreciated quick action by the volunteers. The owner of the dog said he would have lost his beloved dog if the volunteer did not have helped him.


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