Categories: Entertainmentlife

She Became a Millionaire Because of a Knee Injury, Here is HOW

Making millions is a dream everyone have.


But the same is not easy at all. It takes years and years of hard work to be able to achieve success and that is when you are able to earn so much money.

Just like they say, money never comes easy, but this proved put to be a lot different for this former chef who is living her life lavishly and is earning millions just by sharing her workout pictures online.


Perth, Western Australia resident Jem Wolfie has a massive following on her Instagram. To be exact, it is 2.5 million. Yes, shocking isn’t it?


Well, she says that she can make about $30,000 a month just by sharing her pictures and her videos of working out on Instagram and on a site OnlyFans and make this much money.


Jem, who is now 27 years old, started off her working career as a chef. She worked 70 hours a week, which is undeniably a lot of work. She found herself a little lost after some time.


This was not the right place for her and her heart was not happy so she left her chef job behind and started playing basketball professionally. This was her most beloved sport and the woman was in Western Australia Basketball League (WABL).


In 2015 she got her knee injury and had to rest for some time. That is why she shared a video of her working out on her profile and to her surprise; she received a lot of attention.


She then started doing that more often. She started sharing videos of her working out every day and now she has a huge following. Well, guess what, some injuries can actually be fruitful at times.


Jem said “I could have been one of those fitness models and would have been lost in the crowd of several fitness bloggers but my basketball makes me stand out. I know what my audience love to see and they want to see more and more squats. This means I can never miss leg day.”


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