Categories: Familylife

Sesame Street Reveals New Muppet Whose Mother Is Suffering From Addiction

Sesame Street has revealed a new green muppet whose mom is an opioid addict.


The character is living in foster care and the story explained why she had to be placed in a new home.

Videos from the show feature the green Muppet, whose mom is addicted to opioid, with famous Elmo and a 10-year-old girl named Salia Woodbury, whose parents are in recovery in real life.


The green character, Karli, tells Salia: “My mom was having a hard time with addiction and it felt like I was the only on going through it. But now I’ve met so many other kids like us.”


Karli says at the end of the video: “I’m so glad we’re friends, Salia.”

The girl then responds: “Me, too, Karli.” She asks, “Can I have a hug?” before they share a warm embrace.


According to the non-profit organization behind the show, the story shares the “words children need to hear most: You are not alone. You will be taken care of. Addiction is a sickness and, as with any sickness, people need help to get better. And most importantly: It’s not your fault.”


Viewers hear Karli’s backstory before she joined foster parents Dalia and Clem. She explains that her mother has ‘a grown-up problem’ and is battling opioid addiction.


“It’s all my fault,” Karlie said.

In the episode titled It’s Not Your Fault, Karli said: “Maybe she feels worried like I used to feel. My mom says that sometimes things happen that little monsters can’t control or fix and that those things aren’t their fault.


“I used to feel like a lot of things were my fault, especially my mom’s problem but she told me no, it was a grown-up problem, it wasn’t because of anything I did.”


One internet user commented: “For a child and adult who experienced addiction and the resulting chaos from my parents and later my siblings as well. I am grateful to Sesame Street for addressing this complex and challenging issue. Thank you for helping kids understand and know that it is not their fault and that they are not alone. Love to all the kids and adults who are affected by addiction. You are not alone and I wish you peace, love and happiness. Take care.”


Another wrote: “I get it…the world can be a savage place. But can’t there just be a kids show that let children forget about all the crap in this world? Just a chance to laugh a bit before they have to get back to reality?”


A third said: “I’m not sure what to think of this… Just kind of in awe… Hm.”

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