Categories: life

Man Writes An Apology Letter to the Police and Is Jailed for 50 Minutes

Britain has now made record of sentencing a man for the shortest ever duration.


The 50 minutes jail sentence for Twenty-three-year-old Shane Jenkins has now made an epic in the history.

Despite writing an apology letter to the police officers he was asked to spend 50 minutes in the jail.


Shane was accused of breaking the window of an ex with the broom handle and because of which he had to spend some time in jail.


After breaking the window, he also high-tailed it from the coppers and this called for the police to take action.


Jenkins assaulted two police officers and also tried escaping from the custody despite pleading to be guilty.


This in turn angered the judge and was sent behind the bars after getting apology letters which was addressed to the people who were affected by his acts.

A four-month-prison sentence was also declared ion Shane followed by 80 hours of work for which he would not be paid. He was also asked to meet the rehabilitation requirements and was asked to stay away from the controlled drugs too.


After spending time with this ex-partner at her home Jenkins came back and threatened her. After some time Jenkins did as he said and he broke the window of his ex-partner’s home that is located in Portishead, Somerset.


The incident was further investigated by the police officers around 3:30 AM. Jenkins escaped and ran away from their custody.

William rose defended Jenkins and said that he was on excess cocaine and cannabis because of which he had behaved like this. He also said that he was feeling ashamed of his behavior and also accepted that he behaved like an idiot.


He also said that it was because of excessive alcohol and stuff that were consumed.

Jenkins was truly apologetic for his deeds but, that still did not make any difference on the decision that was given by the judge. Jenkins did seek an apology to the officers after Judge Julian Lambert sent him to jail for 50 minutes.


Jenkins wrote that he was sorry for breaking the window and he also said that he was behaving stupid and wasn’t thinking straight. He also sought forgiveness from his ex and was genuinely sorry for his actions.


He also said that he did not intend to harm anyone and this was extremely because of the drugs and alcohol. The judge was pretty strict and also warned Jenkins about his acts.

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