Categories: Entertainmentlife

Amy Schumer Shared A Hilarious Picture Of Her And The Baby To Show The Reality Of After Birth

amyschumer / Instagram

As any woman knows, pregnancy is no joke.


Of course, there’s the joy of impending motherhood but at the same time, you can’t do as much of what you used to. And that’s how Amy Schumer must have felt during her pregnancy as she encountered a lot of challenges in the face of her busy schedule, even going so far as having part of her comedy tour canceled because of a condition known as hyperemesis gravidarum, or in common speak, a really vicious case of extreme nausea.

But Schumer finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy on May 5, Sunday. But just because the new mother was convalescing didn’t mean her comedic streak took a break as well. In fact, she gave fans an even more hilarious look at her life recently.

amyschumer / Instagram

Which is why on Mother’s Day, the stand-up comedian decided to put on display all the glory that comes when a woman has just given birth. In a photo which she shared on Instagram, Schumer can be seen sitting on the hospital toilet while someone else is carrying baby Gene in the foreground.


And if you weren’t already laughing at the sight, she captioned it with “Milf alert 1 o’clock.”

Apart from the toilet shot, Schumer can also be seen with an IV drip and a number of wires attached to her, with all the contraptions and devices linked to a pole beside her. And women who have just given birth will instantly recognize her expression: a cranky stare that’s just begging you to piss her off if you dare.

amyschumer / Instagram

Of course, Schumer followed it up with a more traditional mom-and-baby pic, writing:

Ok here’s my post baby annoying post and my takeaway from pregnancy.point 251 |


Women are the shit.point 16 | Men are cool and whatever but women are fucking warriors and capable of anything.point 84 | I was lucky enough to get to have a doula.point 117 | Her name @domino_kirke @carriagehousebirth what do doulas do? I don’t totally know But what she did was make me and Chris feel totally secure and supported throughout my pregnancy and the birth process.point 289 |


I really recommend getting one if you can.point 35 | Doctor Brill and all the nurses and pediatricians at Lenox Hill and all the other hospitals i spent time in this year, thank you for everything.point 154 | I did Pilates with strong women and went for walks.point 196 | I threw up violently and felt sick mostly every day of my pregnancy.point 252 |


Hyperemesis is real and it’s awful.point 32 | But fuck, what they say is true.point 58 | The second you give birth it’s gone.point 90 | @hgmoms has the best research I found on the condition The only thing that helped me with my nausea was products from @thelordjones I learned that globally 1 in 5 births take place without the assistance of a skilled birth attendant.point 283 |


@everymomcounts is a great place to donate $250 equips a midwife with a bag of medical equipment needed to provide care to hundreds of women and babies in Guatemala.point 137 | All my friends.point 150 | Friends I’ve had for 30 years or people who encouraged me to “keep going” or telling me “it will be worth it”.point 249 |


Thank you.point 9 | Every woman I encountered is so willing to help and advise you and I felt all their strength.point 85 | And you were right.point 101 | Thank you ladies from my family.point 128 | Chris, Gene and of course Tatiana #titsleaking #wearingadiaperpoint 183 | 1


One thing’s for sure (apart from the fact that privacy goes out the window once a woman gives birth), all mom’s rock!