Categories: Foodlife

A School Student Added Semen and Urine On Teacher’s Pancakes

We have all had an experience with the teacher whose tea we would happily fill with salt, but recently a group of students made a bold move by added urine and semen in their teacher’s pancakes.


The incident happened at the Hyatts Middle School in Powell, Ohio, during the home economics class, where students were having a cooking competition.


During the competition, the students added urine and semen in their teacher’s pancakes. The video of the whole incident was circulated in the school for fun, but it got serious when a school boss got hands on the clip and told the police about it.


The police will charge the students with felony assault if there is enough evidence collected against them. Till now there are no files charged on the whole incident as police are still investigating.


The lawyer, Brad Koffel from one of the student’s side asked the public to see for the caution before reaching any type of conclusion.


He also said that it could be a prank and we really have no idea if urine or semen was actually on the food and neither does the school knows that.


The school said that we think of our students and staffs safety and security more than anything and if there is any sort of violation done by students against the rules then they will be held accountable for the whole situation.


The school has clearly told that they will support their teacher’s safety also.


The number of students involved in the incident is still not precise and also how many teachers ate those pancakes, but the school offices are verifying the substances through lab tests.


Though the school authority is hoping that the substances do not turn out to be whatever the students boasted about or else strict actions will be taken against them.

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