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Romantic Proposal Ended Up In A Disgusting Rat-Infested Pond

This surprising moment occurred on a bridge when a man tried to propose to his girlfriend, and just before she approved it, everything turned upside down.


Source: Deadline

A 27-year-old software engineer who fell in love with this beautiful woman named Milly Reece met a startling accident recently. He planned a romantic proposal for the love of his life and took her to Lincoln’s Historic Arboretum to propose her for marriage.


Just before he was about to make Milly, her fiancé, the ring dropped from the box and rolled over the bridge, and ended up falling in a disgusting pond, filled with dirty water and rats.

Source: Deadline

According to a source, the 31-year-old Milly told that Grant was very nice to her and was about to ask her for marriage. He even dropped on one knee, and just when he proposed, everything changed. The ring fell out of the box and slipped into a pond nearby.


His boyfriend had to look for it for straight 45 minutes, and after a lot of struggle, he found it and proposed to his soul mate again. On the bright side, at the end of the day, when Grant proposed to her again, Milly said yes, and now they are going to get married soon.

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Source: Deadline

This kind of incident is unusual but possible so, we advise you all to never propose to your soul mates on a bridge.point 209 |


Firstly, because there are many other romantic ways to do so, and secondly, things might go wrong just like they went wrong for Grant and Milly.point 119 | A proposal is something that should be the most memorable event of your life, and nobody wants to destroy this beautiful moment just because of a  minor negligence.point 257 | 1

Source: Kansas State Collegian

Share this article with your friends and family, and ask them how they were proposed by their partners or how they will propose to their partners in the future. Keep in mind to tell them not to do what Grant has done if they want their romantic moment to be the best time of their lives.