Categories: life

The Robot That Will Follow The Sun With Your Plant

We live in a world where we do not have enough space for a human to live then how can a plant get enough space around our house to live.


With the time passing by, people have stopped growing their own gardens because they do not have enough space and this is something they cannot deal with.

But there still are several people who love plants and because of the same, keep them inside their houses. Keeping plants in the house means you will have a better environment as well as more peace in your house. Also, they will keep the house fresh at all hours of the day.


Now there are the kinds of plants that can survive indoors with only a little or some amount of sunlight but for the same, one has to keep a check and manually move the plant as the sunlight moves around.


Yes, it can be tiring and frustrating but hey, you don’t have to deal with the same anymore because we have a robot that will help you.


This new machine called the HEXA Plant is a machine that will take your plant around and in and out of the sunlight to let the plant get enough sunlight.


As per an article the creator of the machine Sun Tianqi got the idea of making this machine when one day he walked inside a shop and saw a dead sunflower. The plant was sitting in the shade for all day and had died due to the same.


The developer said, “I saw the plant and thought that if the plant had a chance to even walk a little it would have made through this day because there was sunlight at just 30 ft away.”


That is why he created the HEXA Plant that will not only walk the plant to the sunlight but will also walk back to the shade when the plant would have received the required amount of sunlight.



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