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IQ Test: 9 Out Of 10 People Fail To Solve All FIVE Riddles! Can You Correctly Answer These Challenges?

Take a break and give your brain a good exercise with these fun riddles!


These mysterious riddles require a high level of reading ability and most people fail to solve all five.

Are you ready? Read these riddles carefully and let us know which one is the most challenging for you.

Bright Side

“There are 5 sisters in a room. Emily is reading a book. Barbara is cooking. Katy is playing chess. Jaime is doing laundry. What’s the fifth sister doing?”


All sisters in the room are busy doing something. Four of them are mentioned in the riddle. Can you guess what the fifth sister is doing?

Here is the answer: The fifth sister is playing chess with Katy.

Bright Side

“2 moms and 2 daughters went out for dinner. Each one ate one portion of food. But only 3 portions were eaten in total. How is that possible?”


If two mothers and two daughters went to a restaurant, how come only three portions were eaten in total?

Here is the answer: Three people went out for dinner: the grandmother, mother, and daughter.

Bright Side

“What letter of the alphabet holds water?”


Most people are baffled by this riddle. Is there a letter in the alphabet that holds water? Think carefully!

Here is the answer: The C = the sea.

Bright Side

“What starts with the letter E but only has one single letter in it?”


Can you solve this challenging riddle that’s leaving many viewers scratching their heads?

Here is the answer: Envelope.

Bright Side

Mary’s dad has 5 daughters: Cha Cha, Che Che, Chi Chi, Cho Cho. So who’s the fifth daughter?


Take your time and read this riddle carefully.

Here is the answer: The fifth daughter is Mary.

Were you able to solve all five riddles? Which one is the easiest and which one is the most challenging for you? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this with your friends and family!