Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

There’s Something Common Between These Terms! Can You Figure Out What It Is?

We are back with another startling mind teasing challenge and we want you to put everything to rest as you solve this test.


Most visual puzzles of our time comprise pictures that house several different elements simultaneously. Be it tricky instructions, hidden hints, or perhaps an image that keeps you second-guessing yourself for days.

Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. We’re right here by your side, willing and able to put forward an array of challenges that enhance your creativity and problem-solving skills too.

Source: Aussie Theater

Remember, it is these puzzles that bring to your attention how important it is to focus on little details as these matter the most. Today’s riddle is confusing so many people. But what could the reason be?


Well, most of us tend to look for the easy way out. But that’s not the solution in this case. Understanding the logic behind a sum is so much more important sometimes. And that’s exactly what you should be doing here.

Source: Holst

Below, we’re asking you to do one simple thing. Read carefully and answer at your ease. Yes, five minutes of due focus can truly turn your fate around. So, let’s take a look at what’s in store below.


Today’s tricky puzzle

As the old saying goes, when in doubt, shake it out! While we agree shaking isn’t the best way forward in this case, but working your brain in a manner that allows it to focus on the bigger picture instead of fearing the wrong answer is just the direction to head towards. So, what are you waiting for? Solve away!

Source: Wakeupyourmind

The right answer

It’s time for the final reveal. Let’s see how far you’ve come along in this puzzle-solving success journey.

Source: Very Well Mind

In all of the words shown, if you remove the first letter and put it at the end, and then spell the term backward, it will be the same word.


So, how did you do? Were you able to figure out the right answer in your first attempt?