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The Reunion Between The Lost Dog And The Family Is The Most Adorable Thing On The Internet Right Now

A Las Vegas Family came to know that their beloved dog Butters had escaped from the home by digging a hole under the fence while they were vacating in California.


Watch the video of the Dog’s reunion with the Family.

Video Credit: Love What Matters

The owner’s sister notified the family about their dog being missing when she went to pick him up. The owner shared the rescue effort that transpired later on the Love What Matters Facebook page.


Vargas, the owner, said that Butters suffered from anxiety when no one from the family was around him. But they didn’t expect him to run like that. The escape was made Butters in an attempt to find his human family.

The family had recently moved into a new neighborhood where did not know the neighbors that well. This is the reason when one of the neighbors tried to catch Butters; he got spooked and ran away.


The family returned home the very next day after hearing the news about their missing dog. They set out on an operation to find the missing dog.

A day or two had passed, the family had driven hours in search of their lost dog, they even had put the ‘missing’ posters, but Butters was nowhere to be found. They checked every dog pound for days in their locality and had contacted the local vets, but he wasn’t there.


Suddenly, a glimmer of hope came when the family received a message via lost dog app that said a dog similar to Butters was spotted on the 215 Freeway around 3 am.

The husband took off immediately to find the dog. He searched the freeway and its surroundings over and over again, but he came home without Butters. Now, it was time for the wife to continue the search operation.


This time she decided to do something different, something that she usually doesn’t do, explore the dead-end localities and streets.

And when she did, she saw their dog lying down in front of a home. When she called his name, Butters was all excited; he bolted towards his mom.


A week had passed since Butters went missing, but finally, they were able to find him. This is not the best part. When Butters was reunited with the dad, he started crying, he opened the door of the car and grabbed Butters like he is not going to leave him alone from now on.


The amazing footage was shared on Facebook and got hundreds and thousands of likes and shares.

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