Categories: Healthlife

Best Home Remedies To Remove White Hair Naturally

We always think that white hair comes with age.


But, it’s not true, nowadays many teens facing this problem. Teens feel embarrassed when they see white hair appearing on their head, and sometimes they pluck them out of fear they would get bullied by schoolmates. But there are other ways for you to remove white hair completely. Here are a few tips to remove your white hair easily.

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1. Have more vitamin B-12 food


Eat more foods that contain vitamin B12 as this vitamin can help maintain a healthy scalp and hair. Add these vegetables and fruits in your diet, avocados, cranberry, and dark, leafy greens. Aside from getting more nutrients in your body, you will also promote hair growth while keeping white hair at bay.


2. Coconut oil and curry leaves

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Take some coconut oil in a pan, add a few curry leaves. Allow the mixture to boil until the leaves have turned into black. Strain the oil then massage the mixture on your head and scalp. It helps to stimulate blood flow in your scalp and also removes white hair at the same time.


3. Sesame seed oil

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Another oil that can help in white hair in young kids is sesame seed oil. Mix a tablespoon of sesame seed oil with about 4 tablespoons of almond oil. Massage on your head and scalp with this oil at least an hour before to bath time. Rinse it off using a mild shampoo.


4. Hibiscus

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You just need the juice hibiscus from the flowers then mix it with crushed Indian gooseberry or Amla and make a paste. Apply it on your hair and scalp and leave it for 2 hours. Rinse afterward.


5. Black tea

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Mix black tea, yogurt, a tablespoon of salt, and vitamin B. Apply this on your hair and scalp. Not only it helps to get rid of gray hair, but also boost hair growth. Leave this solution on your hair for an hour before rinsing.