Categories: life

After Her Daughter Died Due to Protein Intake, Mother Is Asking for Regulations on the Protein Powder for Health Considerations

For all the health fanatics out there, we understand bodybuilding is your first priority and for the same, you prefer taking supplements like protein shakes.


Yes, these supplements help in building muscles but have you ever wondered how healthy are these?


A 25 years old girl lost her life in 2017 because of protein intake and now her mother is acting upon the same by spreading awareness and demanding regulations on the protein shakes.


52 years old Michelle White said that her daughter Meegan had grown a love for working out. She was already a mother of one child.


She said she was proud of how her daughter had built her body and how she was able to weight lift. But the same did not remain for long. Soon after Meegan gave birth to her second child, her son Liam, her body started gaining weight.


Because of the same, she started working out even harder and now she was suffering from body image issues. Her work out love turned into her obsession. She started eating lesser and lesser with more and more restrictions.


This resulted in her feeling drained; she shared the same with her mother as well. Just two days later after the same Michelle received a call from the paramedics stating that Meegan has been found lying in her house by two people.


Within the next two days, the paramedics told Michelle that Meegan is brain dead and there is no sense in keeping her on life support.


Now after Michelle has let her daughter sleep forever she is sharing her story. Now Michelle is sharing her story with the world telling people how protein can be a threat to health.


Meegan had this condition she was unaware about where her body was not able to digest the protein she was taking in.

She never found it out and because of the same, her health rotted and she died. Now Michelle is asking the health industry to regulate these protein supplements and make people aware of the consequences as well.


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