Categories: Healthlife

Top 6 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

There are many people who try hard to lose weight, especially in the abdominal area.


Some go on extreme dieting and workout to get rid of belly fat.

But, unfortunately not everyone gets the result and here is why. You might not know but there could be any of the following.

1. Lack Of Sleep

If you sleep less than six hours a day it could result in weight gain. Poor sleep is one of the major factors in gaining weight and can increase your calorie intake.


2. Wrong Exercise

Doing the wrong workout won’t help you in burning a lot of fats and calories. You should understand that crunches don’t flatten out your belly. Doing functional exercises that make use of the abdominal, back, pelvic, and oblique muscles are helpful to burn more calories.


3. Getting Older

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Many changes occur in the body when we start getting older. Slowed metabolism is one of those changes which we experience as we get older. Try to stay active to prevent yourself from weight gain.


4. Processed Foods

Eating too much crackers, chips, white bread, and sweetened drinks will not help you to burn calories. Your food choices affect your body and processed foods are the reason behind metabolic diseases and diabetes.


5. Unhealthy Fats


Another reason to gain weight is the consumption of wrong fats. These fats are mostly found in dairy products and meat which contain inflammatory properties. If you are eating more calories than needed then you will gain weight.


6. Stress


Taking too much stress also results in gaining weight. Your cortisol level may also increase which is associated with the development of visceral fats. Avoid taking too much stress as it causes you to gain weight.

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There are many more reasons why you are not losing weight but the above reasons will help you to avoid these mistakes in future. If you really want to burn calories then try to avoid these mistakes.




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