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Rare Pink Moon Phenomenon On Good Friday

Stargazers will bear witness to a striking astronomical phenomenon of the Pink full Moon on this Good Friday.


This full moon on April is the fourth full moon of this year after people all over the world viewed the events of the previous year, like, the Super blood moon.


Do not go by the name as the Moon will not actually be Pink. It has been named so because its occurrence overlaps with the blossoming of the pink wildflower.


The herb wild ground phlox, also known as moss pink phlox, blooms in Canada and the USA during the start of spring.

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The Farmer’s Almanac has mentioned that this full moon touches the peak at 12.12 BST. This time of the appearance of the Pink moon relies on the location of moon as it is orbiting around our planet.


Thus, it can be daylight in some places when the pink moon comes up. Americans can witness the event while going to work because it will reach the zenith at 7:12am EST.

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Make sure you go to a place with low light pollution to witness the bright full moon. The Chinese can witness the event during evening as it will start from about 4 pm there according to China Standard Time.


Italy, Spain, and France can view the moon approximately at 13.00 (WET). The event will reach the peak in the eastern part of Europe at about 14.00 (EET).


The phenomenon takes place when the Sun and the Earth are positioned opposite to the moon, which makes the face of the moon completely illuminated. The other names for the pink moon are the full Fish Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, and Egg Moon.


Going by the traditional beliefs, the beginning of the full moon and the lunar cycle can induce labor. The expected due date of the Duchess of Sussex, i.e. from mid-April-May, is nearest to the date of the appearance of the full moon.


The belief rests on the fact that the gravitational pull of the moon acts on the amniotic fluid, just as it does on the rivers and seas, and influences the melatonin secretion.

Apparently, maternity wards remain busier during the full moon, though many in the medicinal professionals refute this claim.


[jwplayer yCgEyd1k-sAbwDqnj “Incredible Blood Red Moon Will Be Spotted This Friday Nearly For 103 Minutes”
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